cara Connect PS3 ke internet & tentang PSN mungkin cukup mudah bagi temen2 yg udah tau tp buat yg belum tau saya akan coba share disini.biar temen2 terutama niubi.. bisa liat2.. and ga bingung.baca juga downgrade tools untuk ps3.
untuk connect inernet ke PS3 sebenarnya ga susah... g pake provider fastnet, trus connect PS3-nya lewat PC.
g pake cara :
dari modem fastnet, g connect ke komputer lewat USB, trus nanti di internet connection-nya g sharing aja (Internet Sharing Connection).. nah nanti dari PS3 connect ke PC pake cable LAN aja, tapi bukan cable straight ya.. tapi cable cross, kalo loe beli / minta bikinin sama orang, bilang aja cable cross, mereka pasti tau. nah nanti kalo udah, di PS3-nya dibikin automatic aja, nanti test connection, pasti jalan.
untuk PSN, g punya account singapore sama USA... mengenai alamat, temen2 ga usah bingung, cari aja di google, alamat2 yg ada di singapore / USA ato negara yg dah kalian pilih, trus tinggal isi deh.. trus pasti bisa.
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linksys |
for setting linksys:
Basic Setup
IP nya tergantung settingan Inet lo, pake speedy / wireless?
MTU: Auto
DHCP: Enable
Max DHCP Number: 5 >> ini terserah lo seh.. kalo mau 10 ya bisa.
DDNS: Disabled
Mac Add Clone: Disabled
Untick semua
Enable semua
Port Forwarding & Port Triggering: None
DMZ: Disabled
Qos: Disabled
Access Server: HTTP
UpNp: Enabled
for Connect internet pake fasnet:
modem fastnet itu ada 2 colokannya yg satu LAN, yg satu lagi USB
kenapa hrs pk USB , knp ga pake yg LAN ?
soalnya klo pake LAN, ntar mau ngeshare ke PS3nya pake apa ? jadinya hrs pake USB
skemanya krg lbh ky gini:
Modem Cable -> USB -> PC/Laptop -> LAN -> PS3
jadi koneksi cable modem lu dihubungin ke PC/Laptop lwt USB, trus koneksi internet USB nya di nyalain Internet Connection Sharingnya, trus colokin kabel LAN dr PC/ Laptop ke PS3 (kabel harus yg cross soalnya device to device koneksinya, jgn pake yg straight, kecuali lu koneknya lwt hub/switch, beli aja kabelnya di toko komputer, ntar blg aja mau kabel LAN yg cross gt, pasti ngerti kok yg jualan),
di PS3nya ntar setting networknya ,
set IP addressnya
subnet mask
default router
primary DNS
sisanya auto smua
klo uda coba test internet connection di PS3nya, klo settingannya bener pasti jalan
jeleknya setup ky gini, PC/Laptop hrs nyala klo mau online PS3nya
trus kenapa ga lgsg aja konekin dr modem ke LANnya PS3 lgsg ?
klo lu ga telp ke CS Fastnet minta di clearhost, ga bakalan bisa, soalnya ada MAC Filter di Fastnetnya, soalnya MAC yg di catet di sono , MAC PC/Laptop lu
bukan PS3, jadi klo ada device yg nyambung ke modem tapi MACnya beda ga bakalan jalan,
andai kata misalnya lu ud clear host trus PS3nya ud bs konek lgsng ke modem tanpa PC/Laptop, nanti pas PC/Laptop lu mau pake buat internetan ga bisa lagi gara2 MAC yg di catet di Fastnetnya MACnya PS3, sbnernya bisa diakalin pake MAC Spoofer (cara aja digoogle bnyk kok programnya), jadi MAC PS3 lu di clone ke MAC LAN PC/Laptop lu , jadi bisa ttp internetan, ato kalo ngga pake software TMAC
speed buat maen online di PS3 sbnrnya 384kbps uda cukup, yg penting koneksi internationalnya stabil , ga sering naek turun, klo mau ngehost baru musti gede minimal 768 kbps ke atas
gimana caranya supaya ga ngelag ?
-jgn browsing/ download klo lagi online PS3, ketarik bandwidthnya
-usahain nyari internet yg wired (ADSL ato Cable Modem), jgn yg wireless ky (3G, CDMA, dllnya) walaupun sbnrnya bisa konek
soalnya maen online butuh koneksi yg cukup stabil, biar ga lag ato putus2, klo wireless itu rentan gangguan apalagi klo lagi peak
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speedy |
for connect pake speedy:
Ini Menggunakan Wired [KABEL]
Pertama U buka Setting modemnya. Contoh Kalau Gue Sih untuk Masuk Control Panel Modemnya..
Udah Gitu Pilih Advance Setup, Pilih NAT, pilih Virtual Server.
Kalau udah Selesai.. Reboot Modemnya. atau mattin modem dan nyalain lagi..
Setting Untuk Modem Udah Selesai. Sekarang LARI ke PS3.
Pilih WIRED.
di PS3nya ntar setting networknya ,
set IP addressnya
subnet mask
default router
primary DNS
secondary DNS
trus. ada Option Yang Lain Enable semuaa..Upnp enable.. Terus Test Conection. pastikan NAT yang Muncul NAT 2.
Dijamin dah bakalan bisa main MGO online atau Game yang lain...
UPS. Kelupaan. jangan Lupa..waktu main MGO. atau Game Online yang lain. kalau di GAME-nya. inget di Gamenya lho. bukan di setting PS3nya. ada pilihan Open PORT. Masukin 5223
1. Setingan Ini bisa Digunakan untuk Modem ADSL router merk2 lain. Pokoknya Cari Setting NAT. pasti ada menu2 untuk membuka PORT.
2. Bisa u ganti dengan segala macam. asal 192.168.1.[2-253(kalau gak salah)] contohnya
3. untuk tiap modem atau merek. gak selalu alamat setting control panelnya bisa jadi macem2 tergantung vendornya. cuman rata2
for connect PS3 lewat vista:
Note : - contoh dibawah, menggunakan kabel LAN (Rj45)
- OS di PC adalah Vista
- klik START menu > Network = akan muncul "network and sharing center"
ganti settingan nya jd sbb:
Network Discovery : ON
File Sharing : ON
Public Folder Sharing : ON
Printer Sharing : ON
Password Protected Sharing : OFF
Media Sharing : ON
setelah itu, klik menu (manage network connections)
- karena kita pake kabel maka Pilih Local Area Network (LAN) yg menurut anda jalur LAN itu yg terkoneksi ke PS3
- pada icon LAN diatas, Klik kanan >properties
- pilih Internet Protool Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) > klik 2x (double klik)
- pada menu berikut nya, klo anda tau smua settingan IP, Default gateway, DNS, ya masukin aja secara manual,lalu klik OK.
klo gk tau ya pilih aja "obtain ana IP address automatically".
for Link update FW PS3:
for List error handling:
kali2 ada yg butuh list error handlingnya PS3 :
710102 DNS Error; No DNS server available.
8013030 System Error due to failed update download
80010001 Major Error , Game ability stopped
80010014 Has to do with downloading from the PSN, When you have bought a game and this error occurs, please go to your "recently downloaded/purchases" to download it first try.
80010017 Can't start Blu-ray Game
80010036 An error occured during the delete operation error.
80010510 Will not play hard drive games - Cause unknown
80010514 Disc error detected. Retrying operation.
80010516 An error occured during the start operation; PS One game swapped using the eject function and then play pressed quickly, PS One game inserted again
80029023 Exchanging Key Information exchange has timed out
80029024 Cannot Obtain an IP address.
80029513 Copyright Violation when attempting to install game.
80029564 Downloaded Game will not install - Cause unknown
80029945 Can’t playback burn BD-R movie (error message in the picture above)
80030920 An error occurred during the copy operation. The file may be corrupt or there isnt enough memory. Try copying data from original source.
80031150 System Settings Fail to Save - Possible Blue Screen "Setting information is corrupted.Press the x button to repair and restore default"
80031601 Error Creating Account
80130203 PS3 connects to internet but not to network - Typically means that the required ports are not open to connect to store but PS3 can connect to internet. Try opening ports , TCP port: 80, 443, 5223 and UDP port: 3478, 3479, 3658. or add Ps3 to DMZ
80410418 DNS Error
80710016 Playstation Network is down.
80710092 "An error has occured. you've been signed out from the ps network" - (connection dropped?)
80710101 Connection error
80710102 PS3 Cannot connect to the router with current IP information - Try rebooting your router
80710541 The connection to the server timed out.
80710723 Possible Port Error - Try opening ports , TCP port: 80, 443, 5223 and UDP port: 3478, 3479, 3658. or add Ps3 to DMZ
81019002 Error copying saves from location A to location B not open to connect to store but PS3 can connect to internet.
8001050B Will not play demo hard drive games, when blu-ray disc is inserted - Cause unknown
8001050D An error occured during the start operation; PS3 game swapped using the eject function and then play pressed quickly - PS3 game inserted again
80028EA5 Unknown - User cannot connect to PS3 network. Sony told the user to send the machine in.
80028EA6 Connection error , Possible Proxy error power cord. Then shut off your modem/router, for about 5 mintues, then turn the modem back up first and let it sync, then turn the router back on(if using one) and let it sycn. Reconnect your power cable and flip the back swtich up again. Then make a new network connnection.
80028F10 Go to Display Settings then HDMI (or whatever your connection is) and choose Automactic, not Custom. I always had it on Custom before. Seems when you choose Automatic it allows the PS3 to select 50hz which is what you need for PAL games that don't support 60hz.
80028F17 PS2 disc Boot Error , An error occured during the start operation; PS2 game swapped using the eject function and then play pressed quickly - Backup ps2 game inserted again (ps3rips)
80028F18 PS2 Disc Error, unsupported disc; eg. Utility discs, BB discs, IQ Remix game etc. ode).
80028F19 PS2 Disc Error , fsck; the internal PS2 disk got corrupted and I guess that you can use HDD utility disc to fix it
80028F1A PS2 Disc Error , invalbnnetcfg; network config error
80029C68 Corrupt data usually on external device
8002A10D Unable to Add friend in XMB
8002A4A6 Cannot load game to play online
8002A515 Error Signing in
8002A548 Unable to remain logged in - either to game or server
8002A705 Unable to connect to server/host. Check router port configuration.
8002A71A Possible NAT Error , Can log onto Game Server but can't join game and can't host game
8002AD23 Found to be related to a connection issue Check to make sure firewall is off to see if that helps. (possibly network/update error) .
8002AE21 Demo / File cannot be overwritten. Delete original file to install.
8002B241 DVI has no audio.
8002F147 Cannot update the firmware, Possible solutions, turn off proxys, try not using a firewall, and/or turn off UPnP support.
8002F994 To many people downloading the update just sit back until the morning around 5am - 11am and you should be able to get it.
8002F997 Trying to Update the Firmware, copying to a file and installing from a USB drive falied".
8003051E Game will not Save
8013013D "A connection error has occurred" - May be to do with the SSID of the Router or signal strength if the conneciton drops Putting the PS3 into DMZ may help - otherwise check WPA key PS3 can't handle WPA2 only WPA or none
8013013E WEP Key error, change WEP key to all numbers (on router homepage) and try agian, or which to WPA.
8013030F Check Router Page, SSID Broadcasting possibly off.
80410A0B Internal PSP error, hardware fault. Send back to be replaced/fixed.
807101FF An error occurred during communication with the server. This is a DNS errorThis is a DNS error
8071053D Hard boot the PS3, turn off the PS3 to stand-by, flip off the back swtich and remove the power cord. Then shut off your modem/router, for about 5 mintues, then turn the modem back up first and let it sync, then turn the router back on(if using one) and let it sycn. Reconnect your power cable and flip the back swtich up again. Then make a new network connnection.
80710B23 PS3 Network is Down or PS3 Network is too busy to respond
80710D23 Turn the PS3 off for a bit (30 minutes give or take) with the power toggle (not standby mode)
for Router buat dibeli:
Belkin => ga terlalu mahal, sekitar 460-500
ga terlalu susah setting-nya, kalo pake fastnyet.. pertama2 cloning mac address dulu,
abis itu langsung deh.. bisa dicoba (g blm coba connect PS3 seh...)
linksys, yg tipe GL, katanya yg tipe G suka ga compatible
merk lain menyusul kalo dah ada info
good share,,
ReplyDeletei can try